Romans:TRAVIAN Taskmaster

TRAVIAN Task Guide :
TRAVIAN Quest Guide :

The Taskmaster will welcome you in your village:

If you complete the tasks you will get nice rewards to develop your account faster. You must click on "To the first task." in the menu under the task master icon to access the tasks. If you click on "Look around on your own." then you will be able to start the tasks later by clicking on the picture of the taskmaster on the left side of your village and choosing "To the first task.".

List of available tasks

Task 1: Woodcutter
There are four green forests around your village. Construct a woodcutter on one of them. Lumber is an important resource for our new settlement.
Order: Construct a woodcutter.
Task reward: Woodcutter instantly completed.

Task 2: Crop
Now your subjects are hungry from working all day. Extend a cropland to improve your subjects' supply. Come back here once the building is complete.
Order: Extend one cropland
Task reward: 1 day Travian Plus.

Task 3: Your Village's Name
Creative as you are, you can grant your village the ultimate name.
Just double click on the signpost with the village name...
Order: Change your village's name to something nice
Task reward: lumber 130 clay 160 iron 130 getreide.gif100

Task 4: Rally Point
 In your surroundings, there are many mysterious places for you to explore. To prepare for these adventures, you need a rally point. The rally point must be built on a specific building site in your village centre. The building site is located on the right side of the main building, slightly below it. The building site itself is curved.
Order: Build the rally point
Task reward: Rally Point instantly completed.

Task 5: Go Adventuring
Adventures can only be done by your hero. Look on the map for a nearby adventure. With some luck you´ll find a treasure.
Order: Start your first adventure.

Task 6: Other Players
In Travian, you play with a lot of other players. Click 'statistics' in the top menu to look up your rank and enter it here.
Order: Look for your rank in the statistics and enter it here. Hint: "Here" means the white blank under the task screen. When you're done, click the "complete task" button.
Task reward: lumber 80 clay 110 iron 60 getreide.gif 40

Task 7: Two Building Orders
Build an iron mine and a clay pit. Of iron and clay one can never have enough. Thanks to the Plus account I gave you a short while ago, you can give both orders right away.
*Extend one iron mine. 
*Extend one clay pit.
Task reward: lumber 150 clay 160 iron 130getreide.gif 150

Task 8: Messages
You can talk to other players using the messaging system. I sent a message to you. Read it and come back here.”
Order: Read your new message.
Task reward: 20 Gold

Task 9: One Each.
In Travian there is always something to do! While you are waiting for the result of your adventure, build an additional woodcutter, clay pit, iron mine and cropland to level 1.
Order: Extend one more of each resource tile to level 1.
Task reward: lumber 100 clay 120 iron 40 getreide.gif 40

Task 10: Neighbours
Around you, there are many different villages. One of them is named xxx`s village. 
Click on 'map' in the header menu and look for that village. The name of your neighbours' villages can be seen when hovering your mouse over any of them.”
Order: Look for the coordinates of xxx`s village and enter them here. Hint: Fill the white blank with the coordinate of this player. When you're done, click the "complete task" button.
Task reward: lumber 60 clay 30 iron 40 getreide.gif 90

Task 11: Change Hero's Production 
Hero's like you are not only great adventurers, but also great workers and can produce resources. At the moment, you are producing one of each type.”
Order: Change the resource production of your hero in the hero settings.
Task reward: 200 of the resource you changed it to 
(so for example lumber 200 in case your hero produce now lumber).

Task 12: Read Adventure Report 
You finished your adventure with success. Read the report to find out details about this adventure.
Order: Read adventure report. Hint: You can see these by clicking on the 5th button (from left to right).
Task reward: lumber 75 clay 140 iron 40

Task 13: 2nd Adventure 
Since your last adventure was a huge success, we´ll go on another adventure.
Order: Send your hero on another adventure.
Task reward: 2 days Travian Plus.

Task 14: Everything to 1.
Now we should increase your resource production a bit. Extend all your resource tiles to level 1.
Order: Extend all resource tiles to level 1.
Task reward: lumber 75 clay 120 iron 30 getreide.gif 50

Task 15: Dove of Peace
The first few days after signing up, you are protected from attacks by your fellow players. You can see how long this protection lasts by adding the code [#0] to your profile.
Order: Write the code [#0] into your profile by adding it to one of the two description fields. Hint: You'll see a white dove in your profile after complete doing this. If the dove is a bit dark that mean you still have the protection. If the dove is lighter, that mean you have no longer beginner protection)
Task reward: lumber 120 clay 200 iron 140 getreide.gif 100

Task 16: Cranny
It's time to construct a cranny. The world of Travian is dangerous. 
Many players live by stealing other players' resources. Build a cranny to hide some of your resources from enemies.
Order: Construct a cranny
Task reward: lumber 150 clay 180 iron 30 getreide.gif 130

Task 17: To Two!
In Travian, there is always something to do! Extend one woodcutter, one clay pit, one iron mine and one cropland to level 2 each.
Order: Extend one of each resource tile to level 2.
Task reward: lumber 60 clay 50 iron 40 getreide.gif 30

Task 18: Instructions
In the in-game instructions, you can find short information texts about different buildings and types of units. Click on the black book down in the left corner to find out how much lumber is required for the barracks.
Order: Enter how much lumber the barracks costs.
Task reward: lumber 50 clay 30 iron 60 getreide.gif 20

Task 19: Main Building
Your master builders need a main building level 3 to erect important buildings such as the marketplace or barracks.
Order: Extend your main building to level 3
Task reward: lumber 75 clay 75 iron 40 getreide.gif 40

Task 20: Advanced!
Look up your rank in the player statistics again and enjoy your progress.
Order: Look for your rank in the statistics and enter it here.
Task reward: lumber 100 clay 90 iron 100 getreide.gif 60

Task 21: Weapons or Dough
Now you have to make a decision: either trade peacefully or become a dreaded warrior.
For the marketplace you need a granary, for troops you need a barracks.
Order: You must choose from the 2 types of growth, Military or Economy.
Task reward: lumber 80 clay90 iron60 getreide.gif40

Military       or      Economy 


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